Friday, August 24, 2012

A New Book!

I’m excited to announce that fellow authors Amy K. Maddox, Cynthia Bruner, and I just published a collection of short stories called Fount: Stories of Storms and Grace.
The book’s eight stories—inspired by the old hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”—follow characters as they navigate their way through depression, injustice, drug addiction, regret, supernatural powers, and other storms of life to find their way to grace.
The ebook is available on Amazon for your Kindle and Barnes and Noble for your Nook.
From the book’s introduction: “The storms of life will come. They will shape us but they will not define us; they will test us but they will not destroy us. For we have the promise of Living Water: life-giving, sustaining, cleansing, refreshing. And grace—sometimes trickling like a stream, sometimes flowing like a fountain—will come just as surely.”

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